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Am I a Product Designer?

Constantly being asked about your course of study is something every student is used to being asked. When you're not sure of the answer, however, things can become a little confusing.

What is Product Design? What will you be after your degree? I guess there is no simple answer. i used to say that the course was a mixture of art and engineering, In saying that, we're required to have good sketching skills and to be creative while also being mathematical and logical with "intense" problem solving skills, either of these I am not sure I posess. In truth the first time I ever heard of the course was when I told my guidance councellor in school about how I was torn between studying art or engineering. I liked and considered myself good at art and engineering had appealed to me. Product Design was the solution. Thank you Ms Lineen!

That being said, I am still unsure of myself in this line of work. I have made it this far, passed my exams, and enjoy it for the most part, but does that mean I will succeed in this industry? And for that matter, what idustry? The industry of Design I think, which includes all industries really: medical, furniture, technical, furniture. Every object and system in the world requires design, the possibilities are endless.

So where do I fit in?

I think the answer to that lies in my own interests and talents, of which I am not sure so hopefully this is the year I will find out. This module in perticular is designed for us students to self-explore, to find out what interests us, what makes us think, what makes us creative. I understand that I will be forced out of my comfort zone for the benefit of this module, speaking of course about the upcoming debate and even this blog, so I do hope I gain from it. This semester, as ever, will come with its challenges, all of which I invision to be moulding me into the designer that I hope to be. Will i become the next Philippe Stark, Frank lloyd Wright, or Dieter Rams? Will my designs become something iconic long after I've left this world? Will I change lives? Only time will tell.

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